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Where is the line?

In recent years 2022-2023 crude humor has become more prominent in public schools among the younger gen of kids some believe that it is too much others see it as just having fun with friends
Where is the line?

The concept of comedy is always changing and evolving and crude humor has been around for a pretty long time but in recent years the line between comedy and insensitive behavior has been blurred statistics have shown crude humor among middle and high schoolers friend groups have taken a big turn and become rapid firing of heinous racist, sexist, bigoted comments at one as well as biases against marginalized geeky communities. This behavior in school has raised a few questions such as how far is too far but where did it all start?

The concept of comedy is constantly evolving, and crude humor has been present for a long time. However, in recent years, the line between comedy and insensitive behavior has become blurry. Statistics indicate that crude humor among middle and high school friend groups has taken a turn for the worse, with the rapid firing of heinous racist, sexist, and bigoted comments, as well as biases against marginalized geeky communities. This behavior in schools has raised questions such as ‘How far is too far?’ and ‘Where did it all begin? And could the misuse of social media be causing it or is it a matter of who students hang around with?

To start with let’s tackle where it began as we All know the concept of comedy is always changing and creating various subgenres one of which is dark humor, which is a form of comedy that touches on topics that are for the faint of recent years it seems dark humor has taken a turn. Corrupting normal playful banter between friends that consisted of yo mama jokes, and playful roasts has shifted into crude humor that consists of controversial topics and diminishing slang that both middle and high school friends exchange towards one another,  in recent years presumably started by the forms of media children are consuming.

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That leads us to the question Is it social media or the people students choose to surround themselves with that fuels this use of insensitive language one student stated “I think social media has a lot to play in what they think is funny I learned social media uses algorithms to push stuff people might like at them so the more a platform feels that people like what they see the more it’s going to push towards them”  another student seemed upset and taken back at this statement and suggested  “I don’t think it is social media I think it has more to do with friends than what is on social media sometimes your friends start something and you just pick it up over time “

Studies conducted by psychologists and behavioral analysts have confirmed that children can adopt behavioral traits from their environment. This is why it’s important to be mindful of what we say around young children. This holds into the early teenage years, where exposure to certain mannerisms and language patterns can shape a person’s behavior. Unfortunately, statistics show that children today spend more time on social media than they do socializing outdoors. Most social media apps use algorithms to push content that aligns with the viewer’s interests, creating a sort of echo chamber. This can lead to a narrow-minded worldview, as exposure to other cultures and information is limited. It’s troubling that making bigoted jokes has become commonplace among students, but hopefully, with time, this trend will fade away. 


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