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Do Juniors know the importance of being prepared for the SATs?

SAT´s are an aptitude test, a way for schools to check up on your knowledge, what you know and what you´ve learned, or how well you´ve learned it.
Do Juniors know the importance of being prepared for the SATs?

 Often used by schools as a way to measure and see where you fall in comparison to other students in all aspects, SATs will not only represent you and your school but your learning abilities and even the near future of colleges you may be looking forward to assisting. This much pressure can become very frustrating and unbearable. But there are many ways to start preparing for it in order to not get caught up in this rollercoaster of emotions over an SAT. 

A test that can challenge your knowledge this much sounds very complicated, but over time with practice and dedication, you will know exactly what to expect and how to receive it. Some advice from a student who has already taken the SAT, Thaw Han says ¨Just practice a lot I think practicing for the math portion is very important because once you memorize the formulas it´s very easy and for the English part of the test it´s more opinion-based there´s not really a right or wrong answer.¨ Then again In terms of not having any sources or ways to practice Ms. Martinez has strong suggestions and sources to offer as well as the school because she states that ¨There are different websites. The college board has a list of sites that can help you prepare. Teachers will also help you get an understanding and there is also a booklet that will be put out and given to everybody that will work as a prep to see what needs to get done.¨

The College Board recommended steps for SAT Prep

Students tend to take the type of practice test similar to an online SAT very lightly, usually guessing the closest answer they can but as challenging as SATs can be it will never be a good choice to guess because they are not graded by robots but real people behind it. As Ms. Martinez explains ¨ is good for students to see their results to be aware of where they fall. I know that they are scored by college boards. They have readers who read them and give them their scores with point values.¨ The importance of being prepared for an SAT or any other test should not be brushed off. There can always be different opportunities that are gained or missed when you do or don’t put any effort at all when not being ready for a task this important. 

From the college board itself, ¨The SAT is all about the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in college and career. Preparing for the SAT sharpens important skills at the heart of education.¨

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