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The Freshmen Experience: A Day in the Life of a High School Newcomer

We spoke to freshmen students about their experiences in high school. From academic to social life, here’s what they had to say.
The Freshmen Experience: A Day in the Life of a High School Newcomer

In my experience as a journalist, it has always been fascinating to hear from people who are experiencing something for the first time. Freshmen in high school are no exception. The transition from middle school to high school can be overwhelming and every student’s experience is different, which is why speaking with them can be very beneficial. When interviewing freshmen it’s crucial to put them at ease because they might be nervous or uncomfortable speaking to strangers, so it’s important to build a positive rapport early on. One way to do this is by asking open-ended questions that allow them to express themselves freely. Before the interview, it’s important to research the school and its programs.

Mayte Flores

I recently had the chance to interview a freshman student at Esteban Torres High School and asked them about their experience during a typical day as a newcomer. Before the interview, I made sure to introduce myself properly and build a positive rapport with the students to make them comfortable with me and the questions being asked. The student shared with me that their day usually begins with them getting up early and being prepared to go to school.

Every student before entering High School is either scared or nervous to go because of how new it is to them and the rapid change of environments they are put in. The student that was interviewed said, “I would say it was pretty easy to adapt and not really as difficult since I had siblings that gone to Esteban Torres” Mayte Flores the former freshman student from ELARA (East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy) that was recently interviewed on her experience and her day in a life of a freshman at Esteban Torres High school. Most students either had siblings or people they knew to go to high school which made their experience much more comforting and less intimidating due to them being around familiar people.

They have a set routine of making their bed, getting dressed, and sometimes having the chance to make themselves breakfast. Once at school, the student attends their classes, in which they have a mix of subjects such as English, math, and science as well as elective classes like art and physical education. One Unique thing about Esteban Torres is that its main focus is on providing students with a well-rounded education in addition to their academic classes. These classes allow students to explore their interests and find their new passions while also learning useful skills that benefit them for other classes or benefit them generally.

 “My classes are pretty decent, I would say, um my favorite class would probably be, pe although it could get difficult at times, I like PE because you get to learn and adapt to new things,” said Mayte. She had much more to say about the school and how her first year there was going so far. I asked a couple of questions referring to her first year at Esteban Torres and what her interests are coming into high school. To begin this interview I properly introduced myself and began asking her questions, the first question being “How is your first year at Esteban Torres High School so far?” She stated, “My first year at Esteban Torres is going pretty well, I’ve learned how to adapt to the new school and got to meet new people”. During lunch, students usually meet up with their friends and enjoy their break from all academic classes. They often don’t bring lunch and would eat the cafeteria food, which most students dislike or talk down upon due to it being “nasty”. After lunch, the students return to class and finish off their day. Once classes are over students have the option to join/participate in any after-school extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or tutoring sessions. These activities provide the student a chance to meet new people and pursue them to find their passion/interests. 

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