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The Student News Site of East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy

The Vitruvian

The Vitruvian

The Student News Site of East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy

The Vitruvian

Yahir Flores- Antillon

Yahir Flores- Antillon, Broadcast Manager

He enjoys spending time going out with his friends, going out and doing fun activities, he also enjoys playing soccer in his free time. If not playing soccer, he is out with friends doing regular things such as eating and visiting new places. He is very adventurous and likes to go to new places and see how different things are and how unique these places can be. His personal interests are wanting to learn how to do real estate and careers that include anything with financing. He's always been fascinated with making money and having side hustles. Another thing that interests him is football. He used to play football growing up due to his Older brother always wanted him to play and try it out, so he did for a couple of years he would play and enjoy this sport because of the sportsmanship he had in the team and the teamwork he would experience in the team. He enjoyed it for a couple of years before he started playing soccer.

All content by Yahir Flores- Antillon
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